In this regard, it is narrated that when the companion, Khubaib (RA) was about to be martyred, and was tied to the gallows, he supplicated to Allah saying ‘O Allah! There is no one to convey my last Salaam to your Prophet (SA).

If the Prophet (SA) was not with them, and they wished to convey salaams (greetings) to him, then they would not say ‘Pease be unto you O Prophet’, instead, they will supplicate to Allah to convey their Salaams to him. They greeted him in this manner only when he was with them. In other words, the Sahabahs (RA) did not say ‘Ya Nabi Salam Alaika’(O Prophet peace be unto you ) or any other similar phrase when he was not with them. It is for this reason, we find that it is not evident from any companion of the Prophet (SA) that he used the phrase ‘Ya Nabi Salam Alaika’ when he was not with the Prophet(SA). Besides these situations, no one will normally greet another person with ‘Salaams’ (greeting of peace) if they are not in the presence of another one, or they are not conversing with a person. It is simply a word of greeting which was given, and it is clearly understood and known to everyone that a greeting is normally given when you meet someone, and the person is in your presence, or you are physically having a conversation with a person. However they did not use such phrases to him (or about him) when he was not in their presence. This was uttered by the Sahabahs because of the fact that they would greet him whenever they met him. Due to the fact that it is a phrase which addresses the Prophet (SA) directly in giving salaams ( greetings) to him, the Sahabahs (RA) used words with similar meaning whenever they met him, and he was in their presence. The words Ya Nabi Salam Alaika means ‘O Prophet Peace be upon you’. O you who have believed, ask blessing upon him and ask peace.” (Chapter 33, Surah Al-Ahzab, Ayah 56 is the justification for doing so. Is it haram to sing Ya Nabi Salam Alaika, to sing Moulood Sharif, to attend Milads and Mouloods? Where did such practices come from? I heard at a function that Ya Nabi Salam Alaika was the first words said at the time of the Rasool’s (SAW) birth by Baraka and also “Indeed, Allah confers blessing upon the Prophet, and His angels.